About Synergy
Synergy Christian Trust is a registered charity that was established in 2000 by a number of Trevor and Ruth Ranger’s supporters and friends. The aim of the trust is to work with schools and churches to explore and share the Christian message, particularly with children, young people and their families. Most of the trust’s work takes place in the West of England area and it is here that the trustees regularly meet with Trevor and Ruth, offering them guidance and encouragement on a wide range of issues.
Synergy is dependent on voluntary gifts from supporting churches and individuals. If you would like to receive Synergy's newsletter (3 times a year), or if you would like to support the work of Synergy financially, please click on the button below and return the completed form. Thank you!
Synergy Christian Trust is a charity in its own right but is also a Local Mission Partner of Scripture Union, which offers numerous resources and support in the UK and internationally.